Regional Development Australia e-commerce IN CHINA Masterclass for regional businesses
Due to popular demand, the “e-commerce in China Masterclass” is back!
- Do you find the concept of e-commerce in China intimidating?
- Are you too small?
- Is China too big?
Specifically designed for regional NSW businesses, with a focus on agribusinesses, this half-day masterclass will explore the opportunities, risks and various pathways to successful e-commerce trade with China.
The Masterclass will help you determine if China is a potential market opportunity for you and your product.
Featuring speakers from RDA Central West, NSW DPI International Engagement Unit, Austrade, TradeStart and industry guest speakers to help you understand the modern Chinese consumer and the role social media plays.
Breaky and coffee will be provided – a great way to start your working week!
- Date – Monday 10 September 2018
- Time – 8.30am for 9am start. Finish 12.30pm
- Location – Upstairs Startup Hub – Reliance Centre, 203-209 Russell St, Bathurst
- Cost – $22.00 pp
Supported by Bathurst Regional Council as a BizMonth event.
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