Bathurst Regional Council, with the support of Charles Sturt University, has engaged Allen Jack+Cottier Architects Pty Ltd to prepare the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan.
Seven blocks within the centre of Bathurst form a part of the Master Plan being developed. For a copy of the map click here
The key aims of the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan are to provide a strategy to:
- Strengthen the Bathurst Town Centre as a regional business and cultural hub.
- Strengthen Bathurst’s position as a regional education hub, including through a potential Charles Sturt University presence in the CBD.
- Consider adaptive reuse options for the former TAFE site.
- Identify and improve key linkages and thoroughfares within the Bathurst Town Centre.
- Complement the heritage character of the Bathurst Town Centre.
Three community engagement sessions are being conducted on Tuesday, 10 March 2020, regarding the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan.
At the beginning of each session a brief presentation will be made by the consultants followed by individual and group discussions with members of the public. Please feel free to drop-in to any session at a time that suits you.
For a copy of the event flyer please click here
Event Details:
Time and Location: The drop-in engagement sessions are as follows:
11.30am -1.30pm: Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC) William Street
2.30pm – 4pm: Charles Sturt University Library, Room 322, Building 1412, Panorama Avenue
5.30pm – 7pm: Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC), William Street
Date: Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Cost: Free!
For further information please contact Council’s Manager Strategic Planner, Janet Bingham on 63336211 for the BMEC sessions; or Charles Sturt University’s Project Manager Mary-Ann Keith on 63386264 for the Charles Sturt University session.
If community members cannot attend one of the drop-in engagement sessions, there is an opportunity to provide a written comment through the weblink: