Bremer & Company have been engaged by Bathurst Regional Council to prepare a Industry Cluster Strategic Plan. The Industry Cluster Strategic Plan will research the best practice methods for innovative industry clustering, and related engagement and activation of opportunities for growth in existing and emerging sectors for the Bathurst region, to deliver innovation, increase productivity and drive economic growth.
The Industry Cluster Strategic Plan will support the business community to develop links that encourage business attraction and expansion, develop competitive supply chains, invest in upskilling the workforce and attract investment.
It is anticipated that the economic growth from the implementation of the resulting Industry Cluster Strategic Plan will deliver a range of other social benefits. These include:
- Community Involvement;
- Local Jobs; and
- Maintaining low unemployment
A presentation was conducted by Bremer & Co on Tuesday 11 February 2020. Cluster expert Ifor Ffowcs-Williams discussed the theory; what is a cluster, how are they developed and the benefits of industry clusters in economic development. An edited copy of his presentation is available here
The second presentation was by John Dean and focused on his desktop analysis of the Bathurst economy. An edited copy of his presentation is available here (This will be downloaded as a PowerPoint not a PDF, as there are discussion notes on some of the slides. Check your download folder as the file will not open in a new window).