Elizabeth Chifley Preschool

Elizabeth Chifley Preschool 74 George Street Bathurst 2795

Elizabeth Chifley Preschool

At Elizabeth Chifley Preschool we aim to ensure that every child and family shares a sense of belonging to our preschool environment.

Through our warm and responsive interactions children feel safe, secure, valued and nurtured. Each child’s voice, strengths, interests and achievements are listened to and celebrated and become the building blocks of our curriculum.

Learning experiences offer children opportunity to play and explore the whole environment in active and meaningful ways.

The physical health and wellbeing of all children is highly valued, practiced and modelled in daily activities. We enable and respect children’s rights and promote respect for each other, for our resources, and our environment.

We acknowledge, respect and value the diversity and cultures of our families and recognise children as part of a broader community. Our community includes our close links with the Presbyterian Church which actively works with us to provide the opportunity to discover God’s love for all people through Jesus.

We acknowledge the important part Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures play in the history and fabric of Australian life and as such we acknowledge the traditional owners of our land the Wiradjuri People.

In relation to educator’s practice, we aim to abide by the principles of the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics (2016) to build and foster a collaborative environment with reciprocal respect for each other’s knowledge, beliefs and culture.

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