As published in the Central West Village Voice 30 March 2023
Lets meet Melissa Kelly, owner of Bake, Table & Tea.
When did Bake, Table & Tea begin and what was the reason behind its inception?
Bake, Table & Tea opened its door in October 2015. After the shock of having to walk away from a business that we poured our heart and money into for over 10 years, we knew that there would be a big gap for Bathurst having a quality kitchenware store. I combined my love of tea and baking to come up with the concept of our Tea Gallery Cafe and all things baking, tabletop and tea in one store.
What has been the biggest win over the last few years?
Becoming a destination store! We have so many visitors coming to our store saying that they have made the trip to Bathurst specifically to see our store. We are now in our 8th year of business and its wonderful to experience with our new and also our loyal customers what we are achieving as a growing business.
What has been the biggest challenge over the last few years?
Surviving as a business during COVID lockdowns and restrictions. We are still being affected by COVID in many ways from price hikes, stock uncertainty, staff shortages and financial strains. Personally I feel like I have missed out on 2 years of my children’s life as I had to throw myself into doing ridiculous hours to ensure our business survived.
What was the best business advice you’ve ever been given?
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, which is easier said than done! And also to be passionate about what you do and the rest will follow.
What’s your favourite thing about Bathurst?
I have lived in Bathurst since 1994, coming here to attend CSU and I love the friendly community feel Bathurst has. I loved what the University gave Bathurst in its culture and vibrancy and hope that we as a city can get back to that. I am excited with all of the tourism and events that Bathurst Hosts. I know Bathurst will continue to grow and get better.
Final Thoughts….
Supporting local businesses, organisations and people is paramount for Bathurst to stand out and thrive. Without locally owned and run local business, Bathurst will not be unique or attractive to visit. Local business cannot survive on tourism alone, we also need the support of our local community to still be here in another 10 years. I love what we have created with Bake, Table & Tea and I am very proud of my staff and the support of my family that make it all happen.
Pop in and say hi to Melissa and her creative team at Bake, Table & Tea, located at 76 George Street Bathurst or phone 6324 5422