Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan
Bathurst Regional Council, with the support of Charles Sturt University, has engaged Allen Jack+Cottier Architects Pty Ltd to prepare the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan.
The key aims of the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan are to provide a strategy to:
- Strengthen the Bathurst Town Centre as a regional business and cultural hub.
- Strengthen Bathurst’s position as a regional education hub, including through a potential Charles Sturt University presence in the CBD.
- Consider adaptive reuse options for the former TAFE site.
- Identify and improve key linkages and thoroughfares within the Bathurst Town Centre.
- Complement the heritage character of the Bathurst Town Centre.
Seven blocks within the centre of Bathurst form a part of the Master Plan being developed. For a copy of the map click .
A community engagement sessions is being conducted on Tuesday, 10 March 2020, regarding the Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan.
Seven blocks within the centre of Bathurst form a part of the Master Plan being developed. For a copy of the map click here
At the beginning of each session a brief presentation will be made by the consultants followed by individual and group discussions with members of the public. Please feel free to drop-in to any session at a time that suits you.
For a copy of the event flyer please click here
Event Details:
Time and Location: The drop-in engagement sessions are as follows:
11.30am -1.30pm: Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC) William Street
2.30pm – 4pm: Charles Sturt University Library, Room 322, Building 1412, Panorama Avenue
5.30pm – 7pm: Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC), William Street
Date: Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Cost: Free!
For further information please contact Council’s Manager Strategic Planner, Janet Bingham on 63336211 for the BMEC sessions; or Charles Sturt University’s Project Manager Mary-Ann Keith on 63386264 for the Charles Sturt University session.
If community members cannot attend one of the drop-in engagement sessions, there is an opportunity to provide a written comment through the weblink: https://yoursay.bathurst.nsw.gov.au/bathursttowncentre
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