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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jo Palmer & Rural Entrepreneurship

Remote Working Forum

Pointer Remote Roles (Pointer) is a job matching online platform that connects businesses with talented professionals, to fill positions within their organisation that can be worked remotely, from anywhere in Australia, be it from home or a co-working space.

The Forums include practical resources and demonstrations of technologies currently available to businesses/workers that enable remote work. They also include a panel discussion with speakers from both sides of remote work and a specialist in the field. Businesses and professionals can gain an understanding of potential benefits to their business and/or careers.

About the speaker. Pointer’s Founder, Jo Palmer, runs the company from her farm in southern NSW and has a fully distributed team across three states. Jo is the winner of the 2019 NSW-ACT AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award for her work in facilitating access to meaningful employment for people in the regions as well as giving businesses in regional, rural and remote (RRR) areas access to the skills they need in their organisation.

Proudly sponsored by Bathurst Regional Council.

Event details:

Time: 1.00pm to 3.00m
Date: Wednesday, 06 November 2019
Location: Upstairs, Lvl 1, 203-209 Russell Street, Bathurst
Cost: Upstairs Members Free, Non-members $7.00

To register:  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/pointer-remote-working-forum-tickets-75089140641

For more information visit:  https://www.pointerremoteroles.com.au/

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Upstairs Startup and Co-Working Hub
203 - 209 Russell Street
Bathurst, NSW 2795 Australia
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0411 579 536
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3 November - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm