The Bathurst Buy Local Gift Card, an initiative of Bathurst Regional Council, has been given a major boost following the announcement that the Bathurst RSL Club has joined the program.
The RSL Club will be using the cards in their regular prize draws for members, and issuing them as redemptions for accumulated members’ points.
Bathurst Mayor Graeme Hanger said the commitment by the RSL Club was a significant addition to a program that was already providing economic benefit to the Bathurst community.
“The additional cards that will be required by the RSL Club will almost double the total number issued annually. This is an exciting boost to a program that has already proven popular with Bathurst residents”.
“With almost 130 local participating businesses already, there is certainly no shortage of choice in where to use your card and the number of participating outlets is growing,”Cr Hanger said.
“When you use these cards your money stays in the Bathurst economy, and in doing so you are really helping local businesses and creating local employment. It is a program that means you can feel good about your shopping trip”.
RSL General Manager Peter Sargent said the ‘Buy Local’ message was one that fit perfectly with the community focus of the Club.
“The Bathurst RSL Club has been an integral part of the Bathurst community for almost 90 years. We demonstrate that support through thousands of dollars in donations to local sporting clubs, arts organisations, events and charities. We see the Buy Local card as an opportunity to show our support for all truly local businesses also”.
The gift cards were introduced in April 2015. Over $150,000 has been loaded onto 2300 cards, with nearly $110,000 redeemed so far.
For a full list of businesses participating in the Buy Local promotion, go to www.bathurstregion.com.au

Morgan Price with the Buy Local gift cards. Photo:CHRIS SEABROOK