Further easing of COVID restrictions as vaccination rates hit 80%
Double dose vaccination rates hit 80% on the weekend, leading to a further phase of easing for those fully vaccinated.
Find out what this means for your business and family below.
Masks and QR codes
- Masks required for all staff and customers in all indoor settings including on public transport, planes and in airports (except children under the age of 12).
- Masks no longer required in office buildings (unvaccinated people must still wear a mask in the office).
- Masks no longer required in outdoor settings (except for front-of-house hospitality staff).
- COVID Safe check-ins and proof of vaccination required for staff and customers.
Restaurants and hospitality
- Hospitality open with density limit for up to 20 people per booking (takeaway only for people who are not fully vaccinated).
- From 1 November bookings for hospitality venues will no longer be capped.
- No singing indoors (except for performers).
- Dancing is permitted indoors and outdoors (except at nightclubs).
- Drinking indoors and outdoors may be seated or standing.
Shopping and personal services
- Non-critical retail open with density limits (1 person per 4sqm for indoor areas and person per 2sqm for outdoor areas). People who are not fully vaccinated can only access non-critical retail via Click & Collect.
- No customer limit for personal services (including hairdressers, spas, beauty and nail salons, tattoo and massage parlours), density limits apply.
- Sex services premises reopen.
Exercise and recreation
- Gyms, indoor recreation and sporting facilities open with density limits of 1 person per 4 square metres and up to 20 people in gym and dance classes.
- No distance limits apply for exercise or recreation.
- Indoor swimming pools open for swimming lessons, squad training, lap swimming and rehab activities.
- Community sports permitted for fully vaccinated staff, spectators and participants – capacity limits apply.
Events and entertainment
- Major recreation facilities (including stadiums, theme parks, and race courses) open with density limits for up to 5,000 people, or by exemption.
- Entertainment facilities (including cinemas and theatres) reopen with density limit or 75% fixed seated capacity.
- Information and education facilities (including art galleries, museums and libraries) reopen with density limits.
- COVID safe outdoor gatherings permitted for up to 200 people.
- Controlled outdoor public gatherings (for example – fenced, seated ticketed) permitted for up to 3,000 people with density limit.
- Nightclubs and strip clubs reopen with seated drinking and no dancing.
Weddings and religious services
- Wedding ceremonies permitted with no person limit (5-person limit for people who are not fully vaccinated), density limit still applies.
- Wedding receptions permitted with no person limits (not permitted for people who are not fully vaccinated), eating and drinking while standing, and dancing is permitted, density limit still apply.
- Funerals permitted with no person limit (10-person limit for people who are not fully vaccinated) and eating and drinking allowed while standing, density limits still apply.
- Places of worship reopen for people who are not fully vaccinated with density limits.
- Up to 10 fully vaccinated singers may perform in places of worship and at religious services.
Travel and transport
- Travel for holidays and recreational visits including day trips between Greater Sydney (including Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour and Blue Mountains) and regional NSW permitted from 1 November (not permitted for people who are not fully vaccinated).
- Carpooling permitted (restrictions remain for people who are not fully vaccinated).
- Caravan parks and camping grounds open (including people who are not fully vaccinated).
Visiting family and friends
- Up to 20 visitors allowed in your home at any one time (visitor limits do not apply for children under the age of 12).
- Small outdoor gatherings and recreation permitted for up to 50 people (2-person limit for people not fully vaccinated).
- Visitors to residents in aged care facilities and disability homes permitted in line with their policies.
- Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 to return to school today (18th October).
About the roadmap
- COVID-Safe check-ins and proof of vaccination required for staff and customers in most settings.
- Density limits of 1 person per 4sqm for indoor areas and person per 2sqm for outdoor areas apply to some activities listed above.
- COVID-19 Safety Plans apply.
For more information on the COVID-19 restrictions and easing visit here.
The NSW Government has also updated the COVID Safety Plans, fact sheets and produced new signage to assist with implementing compliance measures. To access these resources go here.