Calling all accommodation providers!
The Bathurst Winter Festival would like to invite you be part of this year’s festival.
Accommodation businesses can take advantage of the increased visitation to Bathurst by creating packages to encourage overnight and extended stays and a special experience for guests.
Businesses who offer accommodation deals will be promoted as a festival Accommodation Partner, including a listing on the Bathurst Winter Festival website and inclusion in a social media campaign targeting visitors from out of region.
Package ideas include:
- Offer discounts for additional nights
- Offer bonus inclusions, such as meals, ride tickets, or kids activity packs
- Team up with other local businesses to create a Bathurst ‘goodie basket’
- Promote mid-week specials that align with key festival activities
Contact the Events Team on (02) 6333 6111 or events@bathurst.nsw.gov.au to register your package.