Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan
The Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan provides a vision for the future of the Bathurst CBD.
The Bathurst Town Centre Master Plan provides a vision for improving seven key city blocks within the Bathurst CBD - an area known as the Bathurst Town Centre.
The Master Plan outlines AJ+C’s analysis of the existing condition of the Town Centre and the outcomes of stakeholder and community engagements, to make several site or area-specific recommendations as well as Centre-wide master plan proposals.
The A J+C Master Plan adopts a ‘People-First’ design approach for future changes in the CBD. People-First means giving people on foot and/or on cycle priority over vehicles wherever possible, to ensure their actual and perceived safety. This will encourage people to come to the CBD more often, stay for longer, and walk further to the benefit of CBD businesses.
The Council report, ‘Futureproofing our CBD’ summarises the key concepts proposed in the A J + C Master Plan and Council’s response for which feedback from the community was sought through a public exhibition process. The 'Futureproofing our CBD' Response does not recommend wholesale adoption of the Master Plan but outlines those elements of the Master Plan considered appropriate for consideration of their implementation into the future.
The key concepts proposed by the AJ+C Master Plan that are supported by Council at a concept level are outlined in Futureproofing our CBD and include:
- New car park be provided at Carrington Park
- Public art on blank wall frontages
- Adaptive reuse of the former TAFE site inclusive of new commercial buildings and creation of a new public plaza
- Extend Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum and move entrance to Howick Street
- Building Height and Density - Support concept on a site by site basis
- Redevelop the George Street Car park
- Mid-Block through laneways to open up centre of large blocks
- Increase residential densities in the CBD
- Incentivise replacement of street facing parking lots, subject to parking being retained
- ‘Bathurst’ – new entry public art feature – support in principle
- Extend replica lamp standards into Howick Street between William and George Streets
- Long term vision for new mid-block laneway between William and Bentinck Streets
- Longer term vision for a new Gateway into the Bathurst CBD, including extension of Haymarket reserve across William Street and adaptive Reuse of Ambulance Station
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